
  • Release date : Jul 28 2013 - 15:00
  • View : 2815
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SBMU Research Center of Laser Usage in Medicine (RCLUM) Selected as the ‘Pivot of Science’


Professor Bahram Einollahi, the Deputy-Minister of Health in Academic Affairs announced that the SBMU Research Center of Laser Usage in Medicine (RCLUM) was selected as the ‘Pivot of Science’.

In a letter to Professor Mohammad Reza Razzaghi, the RCLUM Director, the Deputy Minister noted:”…Due to the outstanding scientific activities, the SBMU RCLUM has been selected as the ‘Pivot of Science in Laser Application’ since May, 22, 2013; so the RCLUM will continue its activities as all Pivots of Sciences Protocol.”

He further added:”…Obtaining such a position has definitely been the result of all the staff and holding the sessions, classes, as well as authoring books and textbooks in the field.”


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  • News code : 3345